welcome to the website of nebula42!

main page


general blog

about me

I fixed the navbar on the side so that it doesn't stay on your screen whenver you scroll, I personally found it very annoying. If it isn't fixed for you, try refreshing your browsers cache.

heyo! online, you can find me mostly with the name nebula42 or nulla, I plan to write a blog on here, nothing special though, probably just rambling or things I feel like writing about, which more than likely is going to be about video games and computer programming.

10/14/23 22:29 CDT
I'm probably gonna renovate the site sunday, or, as someone normal would say, tommorow, probably make this page like one of those being intro pages like everyone else does on neocities.

You're telling me a queer coded this? Links to the trevor project. Made with vim. Links to vim.org another brilliant mind ruined by higher education delete twitter, make a neocities! links to neocities.org discord? no way! links to revolt.chat download sburb! links to homestuck.net minecraft on a background that looks like dirt from minecraft. links to minecraft.net. Visit Doctor Kildeer's Guide to NetHack!
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